We are currently building a team of creative activists from all over the world, and our newest addition is Christina Rebel, originally from Spain but currently living in London.

Christina Rebel

Christina Rebel has a strong background in International Political Economy, having graduated with a BA in Politics and International Relations and an MA in Social and Global Justice. She is passionate about women empowerment, local agency and environmental sustainability. She has worked in New Delhi for Asia Floor Wage, a garment worker movement spanning several Asian countries for a decent living wage and the right to association.  She currently further develops her campaigns and search with Joe Oliver, sustainable lifestyle pioneer.

We asked Christina to take part in our Futures Interview, so you can get to know her better:

?!X: What’s the Future You Choose?

CR: The Future I choose is based on empathy. Where previous barriers to human compassion no longer hold sway. Where we all recognise the responsibility in each of us to seek the understanding of and respect for all walks of life, including the animal kingdom and our biosphere. Where the freedom of culture would be protected by the institutions built by the efforts of innovative and collaborative individuals that acknowledged how the increasing connectivity of the world must allow for the flourishing of local culture. A future economy that fuels itself from ethical and sustainable trading, where countries no longer are driven to foster low wages or cash-crop export farming to ensure their piece of the global market. In this future, values inherent to all of humanity – dignity, self-sustenance and association – are weaved through in our business practices, politics and legal systems, as well as in our civil engagement.

?!X: What’s a ‘think’ that has made you want to create this future?

CR: The Empathic Civilisation – really gets people thinking about empathy.

?!X: What’s an ‘act’ to create the future you choose?

CR: So many things to do, DIY: Handbook for Social Change provides a practical blueprint for meaningful action.

?!X: What’s a ‘vote’ to create the future you choose?

CR: I really like Do the Green Thing for the interactive videos that inspire sustainable living as well as Junction 49 for providing an effective platform to get young persons to initiate their own creative projects.

?!X: Can you share with us 10 weblinks of sites and projects that you find interesting and inspiring?


Follow Christina on twitter @chrmoment