Next up, welcoming our newest creative activist Jeremy Dillon to our team.

Jeremy Dillon

Jeremy Dillon is based in Stoke-on-Trent. Up until 2 months ago he was a City Councillor. “I campaigned passionately about the role of creative arts in regeneration, and urged the city forward with visions of the future. I have influenced many people with my enthusiasm including MP’s and journalists. I helped support young people as well as overseeing Children and Young Peoples Services for the area. Along with my passion for politics, I am an active member of my local Church, and seek to impact community for good and contribute to a positive society. I feel that the Future I choose project is interesting because I am first and foremost a visionary and a dreamer. As one of my favourite speakers says “You must create the future before someone does it for you”, and I feel that this movement can do just that.”

We asked Jeremy to take part in our Futures Interview, so you can get to know him better:

?!X: What’s the Future You Choose?

JD: The Future I choose is one where creativity reigns supreme. Where dull, black-and-white living makes way for Full colour HD ideas and community.

?!X: What’s a ‘think’ that has made you want to create this future?

JD: Seeing the hurt caused by the collapse of industry in Stoke-on-Trent, and the need for creative solutions to these issues. You can help with this where you live by volunteering, writing to your newspapers, lobbying your MP’s and Councillors, or using creativity to help charities or schools etc.

?!X: What’s an ‘act’ to create the future you choose?

JD: After being a City Councillor, I want to use my influence to set up a network of Creative arts practitioners and business people etc. to raise the profile of the city and attract investment. You can get involved by setting up events where you live to build better networks etc.

?!X: What’s a ‘vote’ to create the future you choose?

JD: I joined both the Labour Party and the Christian Socialist Movement at the same time. I feel that by engaging in politics and social action, I can contribute to society better. You can sign up to the ‘big three’ political parties at their various websites, and get involved as constituency officers or campus groups.

?!X: Can you share with us 10 weblinks of sites and projects that you find interesting and inspiring?


Follow Jeremey on twitter @JDillon777