Born in the Czech Republic, Lenka studied Art and Fashion Design when growing up, but due to a lack of opportunities at home she decided to move to London where she could truly focus on her art and fashion sensibilities. Specialising in Special Effects Make-up for Film and TV and studying at the London College of Fashion she went on to work as a make-up artist for the Young Persons Theatre Company and also worked on short and feature length films.
After a few years of work in the beauty industry she was able to study in depth the psychology and chemistry behind perfumes, and this inspired an interest in the chemicals that we use in everyday life. Based in the things she learnt she recently decided to work from home as a painter/sculpturer. Bearing in mind the negative aspect that industrial strength and toxic chemicals can have on artists and the environment she now makes her own paints and glues and tries to use mainly recycled and organic products when creating art, a surprisingly rare thing in the art world. Lenka takes on mainly commissioned works and would love to get involved with eco-based companies within the UK. It is her dream to be able to teach people about art and a sustainable future and to help make sure that future generations use non-toxic and chemical free materials at schools and in their homes.
?!X: What’s the Future You Choose?
LK: The Future I Choose is amazing. Everybody working together outside work hours in the beautiful ever green public gardens where all the vegetables and trees are listening to the sounds of music coming from solar charging radio that is installed as part of the public garden entertainment.Children learning outside at all times to understand the importance of the place they live in-using their solar computer screens to identify each plant, rock or a living thing and telling them everything about it.But maybe I’m going too far to the future. For now I would be happy if everybody would have to recycle their waste without having the option. And more factories emerging within the UK to make our products rather then asking someone abroad to make it for us cheaply-at the end of the day it causes a lot of damage to our planet.
?!X: What’s a ‘think’ to create this future?
LK: Dick Strawberry books and Tv show
Cabbages and Roses book-guide to natural houskeeping
Green guide for artists book-Karen Michel
A slice of organic life book-Sheherazade Goldsmith
What’s in this stuff?book-Pat Thomas
A man who planted trees book-Jean Giono-I absolutely love this book-every time I want to give someone a present I think of this book and how much it gave me and even though it’s a fictional story it sounds truly amazing and it makes you want to go of to an empty land and just plant trees and do nothing else than that in your whole life-I have read it first when I was 16 and it was a total wake-up call for me.
Crystal Palace library(Westow Hill)London-I lived near by for 3 years and they had an absolutely amazing selection of eco-friendly books and books about our planet and it’s eco system. When I moved and started using even bigger public library I was absolutely shocked when I found only couple of aged eco-related books in there-I still miss my old library.
Grand designs-TV show
Tony R March I love the picture-the poem is beautiful too but I believe more in science then God-neverless it covers the life on the planet very nicely.
I hope I covered what you wanted to hear:)But library talks and readings would be very good too.
?!X: What’s an ‘act’ to create the future you choose?
LK: Getting everyone to appeal to local MP’s asking for the goverment to increase recycling availibility and to instigate stricter laws on both personal and company based recycling scheme.
More promotion towards green initiatives for comunity based green projects.(Although I understand it is often dificult to do advertising in an eco friendly way but it has to start somewhere).
Spreading the word round and proudly display our organic or charity bought clothes and getting celebrities to promote charity or second hand based lifestyle-a slightly challenging to do but a lot of us love to follow our idols when it comes to clothing…
?!X: What’s a ‘vote’ to create the future you choose?
LK: My personal campaign is to buy only fairly traded,organic and english based products-I think if everybody would do the same we would suddenly see supermarket shelves beaming with seasonal english vegetables and products from their local farm.
I’m very sceptical in supporting charities unless I can really see where the money is going. Therefore I prefer to do my bit for our environment and be more involved this way.
?!X: Can you share with us up to 5 weblinks that you find interesting and inspiring? – upcoming website that has been created by my partner and his friend-sort of an ebay’s rival that will support local artists, fashion labels, farmers etc. to sell their products easily,cheaply and more effectively.But main thing is that it will work like and online carboot sale-where you can have your store up for as long as you want to without too much hassle.Follow
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