Alastair Humphreys is an adventurer, blogger, author, motivational speaker, film maker and photographer. He produces a monthly newsletter with the highlights of the blog and important expedition news. Alastair has published three books, with a children’s book due by the end of the year. (He has also written chapters for Lonely Planet’s ‘Flightless‘ anthology, the Adventure Cycling Handbook and The Traveller’s Handbook). He is a keen photographer and videographer. Alastair pays the bills through motivational speaking at businesses and schools, fulfilling a long ambition in 2008 by speaking to a full house at the Royal Geographical Society (listen to it here). Alastair is a patron of the charity Hope and Homes for Children.
?!X: What’s the Future You Choose?
AH: I choose a future where we place environmental preservation on an equal footing with the economy in terms of importance for our future. And a future where the work/life balance is far more sanely proportioned
?!X: What’s the a ‘think’ create this future?
AH: The End of Poverty – Jeffrey Sachs
Collapse – Jared Diamond
Riddley Walker – Russel Hoban
Waterlog – Deakin
Wild Swim – Kate Rew
?!X: What’s an ‘act’ to create the future you choose?
AH: My personal mission at the moment is to encourage ‘Microadventures’ as a way of getting people outdoors, learning to love wildness, challenging themselves, and refocusing on what is really important to them.
?!X: What’s a ‘vote’ to create the future you choose?
AH: In some ways very trivial, but definitely a tiny, tiny step towards feeling healthier, caring about the environment, and challenging ourselves to be out of our comfort zone: Oudoor Swimming Society .
?!X: Future Soundtrack – What song would you take with you into the future?
AH: AdelNorthern Skies – I am Kloot
?!X: Can you share with us up to 5 weblinks that you find interesting and inspiring?
Alistair Humphreys (sorry!)
You can follow Alastair on twitter @Al_Humphreys
Inspired to tell us The Future You Choose? You can here.
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