Call out for artists, graphic designers and illustrators:
We are publishing our book! It a beautiful anthology that we will launch in Spring 2012. It will be on sale and we plan to present it to the Prime Minister and other leading politicians to remind them of The Future That We Choose.
We would like to invite you to contribute to it by illustrating one of the ‘futures’ that we have collected. We have a tight turnaround on this as we need all artwork to consider by 30th November.
If you are interested please email us with subject Artwork to and let us know which future you would like to work on. Please include a URL link to your portfolio or any work you have online. We only want one piece of artwork for each ‘future’ so we will let you know if it is still available. (Ones marked pink have already been chosen by an artist.)
You will need to send the finished artwork at large scale and 300DPI by the deadline. All artwork will be featured on our website, and subject to editing in the book too! You will receive a full credit for your work online and in print, and retain the copyright.
Available to illustrate (e-mail to check)
“I Choose a Future marked by climate justice in the developed world and social justice in the developing world.” Richard Leyland
“The Future I choose is to fight to end poverty not keep people dependent but without gimmicks.” John Bird
“The Future I Choose is one in which we all value social justice as much as capital” Tim Adey
“The Future I choose is one where people understand the depth behind the things they say and the true power of the spoken word. A joke to one person is racism and discrimination to another. People need to be educated so that we can all be equals. Differences are only as important as you make them.” Evie Stretch
“I choose a future without waste; a future which has more balance; a future where we in the privileged parts of the world do not squander the resources which belong to all, and can empower more awareness in everyday actions, such as use of water.” Sandy Black
“The Future I Choose is one where people refuse to accommodate injustice and for war to be universally considered as senseless. For there to be an open dialogue between all peoples from all nations to work towards a future where peace is not just an option but the only way forward.” Kav Sidhu
“The Future I Choose is one where humanist values aren’t reliant on religious fear, and where happiness is measured by one rather than many.” Josh Davidson
Already Chosen:
“The Future I choose is one where young people are as keen to vote for politicians as they are for x-factor contestants.” Chris Lonie
“The Future I Choose is one where creative talent and resources are utilised to close the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Where diversity transcends from a tick box and unites people in celebrating difference. A future where young and old are given equality of opportunity and social capital is this and next seasons new trends. It is a time where being great and celebrating the success of those from tomorrow is embraced, enjoyed and unleashed. The future I choose is one where we say I am proud to be a part of that.” Justice Williams
“I choose a future….where we’re reacquainted with the politics of equality and want to get involved. One where we’re no longer satiated with cheap goods made on the back of exploited workers in the developing world, trapped in poverty. There are lots of progressive pockets like this already, we just need to roll it out!” Lucy Siegle
“The Future I choose is Eco friendly. Recycling becomes a priority in every household!” Daisy de Villeneuve
“The Future I Choose is one where the pub becomes a social hub of the community once again.” Chris Constantine
“The Future I choose has jungles filled with wild animals and a sea dense with fish and thriving reefs, and butterflies and bees that don’t die and clean air to breathe.” Tyler Wetherall
“The Future I Choose is one where people realise what really matters (friends, family, community etc)… maybe like you would be forced to do if a meteorite was going to destroy earth in an hour’s time (like the blockbuster films) but without that really happening of course!” Dan Crossley
“I choose a future where everything is fairer – the distribution of power, of resources, of respect. I’d also like an environmentally-sound hoverboard please.” Rick Edwards
“The Future I choose is fitter , healthier , happier , less greedy , more liveable , more equal and beautifully designed !” Wayne Hemmingway
“I Choose a future where the word waste ceases to exist in our dictionaries.” Shibin Vasudevan
“I choose the future that we are collectively trying to shape, a new future, less about greed, more about understanding.” Orsola de Castro
“The Future I Choose is one where young people are inspired not apathy and cynical ridden but a believer in their power to cause positive and political reform.” Jameela Oberma
“The Future I Choose is one where the sustainable thing is the easiest thing to do, so, for example more people get out of their cars and have fun whizzing around on bicycles.” Vicky Murray
“The future I choose is one in which the struggles of those who came before us are not in vain. Nothing is ever forgotten and we would do well to remember that…” Kirstin Knox
“The Future I Choose is a Glastopolitics, where groups can work together where they feel most comfortable, whether that’s on the fringes or on the main stage.” Noel Hatch
“I Future I Choose is one where we’ve met the needs of today whilst enhancing the ability of everyone to meet their needs tomorrow.” Solitaire Townsend
“The Future I Choose is not the future we can buy, vote for, or are given but Is the future you and I will MAKE.” Indy Johar
“The Future I Choose is one where all designers use their considerable creative skills for the greater good, to produce beautiful, useful and sustainable products and systems for all to enjoy.” Leonora Oppenheim
“The Future I choose is fairer, greener, and a time where people are better connected to one another.” Ben Little
“The Future I choose is one where we give all we can and take only what we need.” Rory Costello
“The Future I choose is one where we realise the positive impact we can have on the people and the world around us through our daily decisions and actions. It’s ‘us and us’ not ‘us and them’. It’s an interconnected, transparent, collaborative, empathic and fun future.” Henry Hicks
“I would like to see a world in which every person can fulfill their potential without being bounded by race, class, gender or geography. That means removing more than physical constraints – it involves removing psychological ones too. You can have all the skill and luck and resources in the world, but if you don’t have faith you’ll get to your destination, you’ll never even set off. I want everyone to choose their own future, and to believe they can get there.” Rowenna Davis
“The Future I choose is one where everyone knows how to use their voice in their community, or globally.” Nicola Harwood
“The Future I Choose is is green. Not just a colour. Not just a political party. Not just a term for naivety! It’s a philosophy and a creative, experimental, cutting edge, super-sexy approach to life and lifestyle that is what the 21st century will be all about. Where we live, how we work together, how we get around, what we eat, where it grows, what fuels our fires, warms our hearts and inspires our minds – all are up for grabs…we’re beginning to realise consuming ever vaster quantities of ‘stuff’ ain’t making us happier (and we certainly can’t eat money), and that unequal societies make us sick – physically and mentally. The Future I choose is in tune with the earth beneath our feet, recognises us as people not just consumers and celebrates our collective potential to do the right thing. And I think we might even get there!” Ed Gillespie
“The future I choose is one where the cities are full of birds, the oceans are full of fish and the wild areas are coming back. And we all know how to grow vegetables!” Joy Green
“The Future I choose is inspired and acting people” Jalia Osha
“The Future I choose is shiny, happy and evenly distributed.” Lucy Shea
“The Future I choose means we are one, we are all involved in creating the future.” Ada Zanditon
“The Future I Choose is one where putting the environment first is a reflex” James Parr
“The Future I Choose is one where we stand together for justice and what is right, where everyone is given the freedom and opportunity to dream and make those dreams a reality.” Dominic Campbell
“The Future I choose is a world where children can grown and live healthily and happy regardless of where they are born.” Emily Renny
“I Choose a Future where businesses will act together, as a community, towards the separability of sustainable practices.” Livia Firth
“The Future I Choose is one that empowers individuals & communities to act together for the greater planetary good.” Amelia Gregory
“The Future I Choose is where people are happy from within. This expresses itself in healthy and beautiful habits from the way people eat to the way they relate to others.” Sarah Lloyd-Hughes
“The Future I Choose would be one with no boarders, no boundaries, no religion, no reason for war and anger. The future I’d choose would be one of world peace and cooperation. Water, food and good health for all and a global environmental policy that ensured these for all generations to come.” Luke Tucker
“I choose a future that is driven by love and respect not fear and greed. We’ll all be on the same side and working together in support of each other. We’ll be using our creative energy to solve the world’s problems and we’ll be having fun whilst we’re doing it. The future I choose is one where it is sexy and cool to care about the planet and its people.” Amisha Ghadiali
“The Future I choose is one in which all people treat each other with respect.” Tony Eves
“The Future I choose is one where everyone has an equal say in how the country is run.” Andy Thirsk
“The Future I choose is a global world with freedom of movement, and representation beyond the nation-state as citizen. Moving beyond standing armies.” Sonia Ali
“The future I would choose for tomorrow is one where today we all dare to dream bigger, undertake greater adventures, tell richer stories and strive to be more curious there by collectively solving the issues that we know the future will hold.” David de Rothschild
“The Future I Choose is one where the barriers between nature and societies are blurred, one where we all think of ourselves as environmentalists, as the environment is our umbilical cord for life, and therefore one where we full fill our role as care takers of the planet.” Jo Royle
“The Future I Choose is a world with less shoes and more views on things that matter and have beauty” Louie Louie Herbert
“The Future I Choose is creative, connected, cultured, with less consumption and waste” David Hawksworth
“The Future I Choose is one of inclusion, coherence, diversity and community values between people both globally and locally.” Josie Nicholson
“The Future I Choose is one where all our resources and energy is renewable and sustainable. By investing in clean and truly renewable technology and ways of working, we all have the capacity to envision and participate in a less doom ridden future. I look forward to this future where owner ship wars for finite resources are left behind making way for more positive developments in human culture.” Jocelyn Whipple
“The future I choose is one of progression. Finding warmth in yourself to succeed, live your dreams and share positive ideas. Forget all negativity and live your life according to you.” Sara Abdel-Hamid (Ikonika)
”I choose a future where people are more sensitive to their surroundings instead of constantly hurrying from A to B, living in greater harmony with the everyday ” Anna Murray
“The Future I Choose is where focus is put on people and planet rather then MONEY” Emma McGinn
“The Future I Choose is home made, home grown and hard reared. It’s about family, community and fresh air.” Katie Brannigau
“I Choose a Future of Peace, simplicity and non-violence towards all beings.” Jo Keown
“The Future I Choose is be filled with love. No War. Enough food and water for the WHOLE world. A safe place for our children.” Patsy Palmer
“I would like to see a future where we had the dictionary definition of democracy, government by the people, for the people and tolerating minority views. Politicians are a vested interest group only in politics to get re-elected, we should let them know by letter and email what our views are and tell them that if they don’t represent our views in parliament we wont vote for them next time.We need to get our elected representatives to represent the majority view of there constituency on every issue, no more towing the party line and being forced to vote with the government.We can do this by having national and constituency referenda and a civil service to implement them and administer the country according to the results.If we had had this, we wouldn’t have had an illegal war in Iraq, with thousands of innocent lives lost. We wouldn’t be cutting much needed A&E’s. We wouldn’t be having to cut child benefit so we can pay bankers bonuses. Its our country and we as citizens should decide how its run, its our money, we should decide how it is spent. We can use our vote to get the country we want.” Katharine Hamnett
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