Gareth Barne

Gareth Barnes is a freelance illustrator who was born and ‘educated’ in New Zealand and is currently based in London. For the last few years he has been producing art work for online magazines, promotional material, exhibitions and personal projects. He likes creating quirky illustrations which confuse and delight. He has a hamster called Don who likes to eat peanut butter and Tic Tacs. He also has a collection of clay pipes found by the Thames. He is always happy to get involved in worthy projects and get his pens and pencils out. He has created an amazing illustration for the ?!X book of James Parr, Co-Founder of the Imaginals‘ future, one “where putting the environment first is a reflex.”

?!X: What’s the Future You Choose?

GB: The future I choose is one where everyone has an equal stake in society, where people appreciate nature and don’t abuse it and milk gets delivered in glass bottles by milkmen in little white trucks.

?!X: What’s a ‘think’ to create this future?

GB: Future States: Plastic Bag

?!X: What’s an ‘act’ to create the future you choose

GB: Take time to understand the realities of social and environmental issues. Learn to think critically. Take action when needed. Write to your local council about milk deliveries.

?!X: What’s a ‘vote’ to create the future you choose?


?!X: Future Soundtrack – What song would you take with you into the future? 

GB: Electrelane – On Parade

Follow Gareth on Twitter @GarethBarnes1

How can we Create the Future you Choose? Take part here.