Throughout 2012 we are sharing an illustration with you every week to help you to re-imagine the future that you choose. For the seventh week of 2012 , we are sharing Think Act Vote (?!X) Founder Amisha Ghadiali‘s future. We picked this one as it speaks of love, respect and creativity, and this week was host to Valentines Day, which we love how the guys at Holstee have reimagined as Generosity Day, “one day of sharing love with everyone, of being generous to everyone, to see how it feels and to practice saying “Yes.” Let’s make the day about love, action and human connection.”
Amisha Ghadiali’s Future:
I choose a future that is driven by love and respect not fear and greed. We’ll all be on the same side and working together in support of each other. We’ll be using our creative energy to solve the world’s problems and we’ll be having fun whilst we’re doing it. The future I choose is one where it is sexy and cool to care about the planet and its people.
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