Vanessa Vallely is the founder of leading women’s network and website, WeAreTheCity which serves an audience of over 70,000 City Women. She also co-founded the City wide diversity network, The Network of Networks which includes the Diversity heads and heads of women’s networks from 40 FTSE firms. On a professional level, Vanessa has been in Banking and Finance, specialising in IT and Operations for the past 20 years. She has held a number of senior positions across the City, most recently Chief Operating Officer at a leading retail bank. Alongside her existing position as Head of Business Management, Vanessa is also the Managing Director of The Profile Coach. Vanessa was awarded the Champion for Women award at the 2011 Women in Banking and Finance awards and was also identified by the Financial News as a Top 100 Rising star across Europe, Africa and EMEA. Vanessa has also received a recent accolade being listed in the Global Top 100 list by the International Alliance of Women. She is a also a finalist for this years European Diversity Awards and a nominee for both Women of the Future and the Inspired Women’s Network Awards.

?!X: What’s the Future You Choose?

VV: I would live in a world where gender, age, sexual orientation or religion did not cause barriers between people and either their harmony or their progression in life. I would live in a world where our kids were free to play on the streets and that you could put your handbag on the floor without worrying about it. I would live in world where leaders of our countries worked together to create a better world. I would live in a world where people cared about our planet and the beauty around us. I would live in a world where politics were transparent and the future is steered as much by the people as it is by the ego’s of those in Power. I will live in a world of peace and harmony, where people loved thy neighbour and greed and the desire to hurt others was not part of anyones DNA.

?!X: What’s a ‘think’ to create this future?

VV: There are too many links to include. My opinions have been formed by my 39 years of experience on our planet, growing up in the east end of London and working with a number of charities.

?!X: What’s an ‘act’ to create the future you choose?

VV: I am a key player in London on the Diversity circuit, my act is to campaign and create opportunities to eradicate unconcious bias around gender, age, sexual orientation or religion for the future progression of people all over the world.

?!X: What’s a ‘vote’ to create the future you choose?


?!X: Future Soundtrack – What song would you take with you into the future? 

VV: Smile – Charlie Chaplin

?!X: What are your five all time favourite weblinks?


WeAreTheCity – full of information for Women

The Fawcett Society – Campaigners for Womens rights

TED – great inspiring speakers

Follow Vanessa on Twitter @WATC_Girl

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