Matt Chocqueel-Mangan is a London-based digital producer. He graduated from Plymouth Business School and gained a Master’s degree in web publishing from City University, London. His interest in the web and usability has crossed over to social change projects, starting with Vote for Policies for the 2010 UK general election and more recently What One Change, which is all about discussing root causes of social issues.
?!X: What’s the Future You Choose?
GR: The future I choose is one in which children are able to grow up to value themselves and others for what they give to the world (local and global) in which they live, and not what they take from it or what they possess in terms of material ‘goods’.
?!X: What’s a ‘think’ to create this future?
GR: I think that for there to be any possibility of such a future, the morality, goals and values that inform politics, and especially the media, have to be completely reconsidered and recalibrated. The media is no longer a reflection of our culture and beliefs but the most potent creator of what our people see as important and worth aspiring to.
?!X: What’s an ‘act’ to create the future you choose?
GR: I hate what is happening in our education system due to persistent denigration of teachers and the state/comprehensive system by the media and by successive governments trying to make their mark by continually changing things … without any valid justification except to gain political kudos or whip up hatred in order to sell newspapers.
So again, only a major sea change in the goals of the media and of politicians can begin to undo and rebuild our future, but we can each act and vote individually for what we believe in.
?!X: What’s a ‘vote’ to create the future you choose?
?!X: Future Soundtrack – What song would you take with you into the future?
Impossible to narrow down to one but I could happily choose ‘In The Deep’ by Bird York (title song to soundtrack from the very wonderful film ‘Crash’) as it asks questions and has the idea of choice and possibilities. It’s haunting and enigmatic and, like the film, has that feeling of probing of our lives and decisions – individually and collectively.
?!X: What are your five all time favourite weblinks?
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