Throughout 2012 we are sharing an illustration with you every week to help you to re-imagine the future that you choose. For the twenty-sixthweek of 2012 we are sharing Emma MGinn’s future. This one is apt for the week which is also the Rio+20 Earth Summit and A Good Week.
Emmas Future:
The Future I Choose is one where focus is put on people and planet rather then MONEY.
Artwork by Abby Wright:
I love to draw people and it was this reason, along with the fact that I wholeheartedly agreed with the statement, that I chose to illustrate this future. It instantly took me back to my childhood – when love, nature, people and happiness was the only thing that truly mattered. Memories of climbing trees, making boats from scraps in the garden, creating jumps for our games of ‘horses’, skipping and using our imaginations. This is what inspired my illustration. I wanted to create a piece that showed happiness. Happiness through nature and people and without the need for money. This future would be wonderful, just like childhood should be.
Follow Emma on Twitter @emma_mcginn
Visit Abby’s website at here. And follow her on Twitter @abbyillustrator
You can see all 52 of The Futures Illustrations together in our gallery, here.
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