“Our work right now is to move around the planet and try to hold these pieces of people’s hearts while they are opening. Our indigenous original cultures know how to walk through this – they have the prophecies that give us the instructions on how to walk through this.” ~ Jyoti
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About this interview:

How can the wisdom held by indigenous communities help humanity evolve and heal?
In this episode, Amisha sits down with internationally renowned spiritual leader Jyoti, who tells the story of how a series of calls, visions and sacred synchronicities led her to assemble a council of 13 indigenous grandmothers to wake up the world.
Jyoti speaks about founding a spiritual community which now has homes and members across the globe, conversing and negotiating with the Divine Mother, and collecting a basket of five jewels of sacred wisdom from around the world. We hear about her early life as a woman waking up in the Southern United States, how she fled an abusive relationship, and the young mystics she met on the streets of Texas – hidden behind labels of juvenile delinquency.
Jyoti shares more stories from her time working with various assemblies of grandmothers, as well as the 13 indigenous women who first came together and woke up the grandmother archetype around the world. She speaks about nurturing and carry visionary seeds to meet with the same seed carried by another down the line, and about the great being in the body of a tiny child who taught her so much about the heart.
Together Amisha and Jyoti speak about the ways that we can respond to the overwhelming crises that we face on a global scale, the indigenous prophecies of what is to come in the next decades and how to listen within to find our path to healing and to service in the world.
“We have to come back to ourselves and we have to love here first, before we can turn around and love the world and everything in it. Many times we think we are loving ourselves but we still haven’t forgiven ourselves for something, and that’s the stick that won’t let the door fly open. So I think we have to turn around and go to the spirit that lives within. When we do that we will discover that there is an intelligence to this creation that will marvel you.” ~ Jyoti
Jyoti is an internationally renowned spiritual teacher. She has cultivated projects that demonstrate ways of life that honor the Earth and all Peoples.
As a Spiritual Founder of the Center for Sacred Studies (thecenterforsacredstudies.org), she co-founded Kayumari with spiritual communities both in America and Europe. Other projects she has helped to convene are the International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers and the Unity Concert.She is also the founder for The Fountain (https://thefountain.earth) It’s mission is to restore an economic model that is based on reciprocity and collaboration guided by Nature and the Sacred.
She has devoted her life to bringing unity to the planet by facilitating the development of alliances between individuals who are the guardians of indigenous culture and traditional medicine ways. Through this work collaborative relationships with organizations that are focused on economic, social and environmental solutions have developed, creatively addressing the global challenges of our times.
To find out more about Jyoti, visit thefountain.earth
To connect or work with Amisha, visit amisha.co.uk
Links from this episode:
- The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
- The Center for Sacred Studies
- Flourishing Diversity Summit
- Dalai Lama’s Menla Retreat Center on Panther Mountain in Phoenicia, New York,
- The Jung Institute, Switzerland
- Navaratri Myth
- Winona La Duke
Connect more with us:
- Beautiful Leadership mentoring
- Amisha’s One-to-One sessions
- Amisha’s book – INTUITION
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