“Women are in fact, and some men, reinventing leadership, and instead of a leadership that is externally conferred, this is leadership that comes from someplace deep within us, probably from the place where the sacred resides in each of us. It comes from the place where what we most love meets a need for reinvention in the world. And in that place, we become unstoppable.” Nina Simons

E100 – FEMININE LEADERSHIP, RESILIENCE AND LIFE’S JOY with Nina Simons, Stephanie Mines and Zerbanoo Gifford


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About this interview:

How can the essence of feminine leadership reinvent the world?

“Women are in fact, and some men, reinventing leadership, and instead of a leadership that is externally conferred, this is leadership that comes from someplace deep within us, probably from the place where the sacred resides in each of us. It comes from the place where what we most love meets a need for reinvention in the world. And in that place, we become unstoppable.”

In this episode, Amisha Ghadiali talks with Nina Simons (E81) co-founder of Bioneers, Stephanie Mines (E72) founder of Climate Change & Consciousness and Zerbanoo Gifford (E6) founder of ASHA Centre; three female leaders, authors and visionaries that have been leading communities guided by wisdoms of the feminine, nature, science and social justice.

In this powerful dialogue they reveal their insights and perceptions of the current times sharing their individual visions of leadership models for the future rooted in guidance by nature, the feminine and creative joy. With clarity of voice they draw on their generous life experiences providing us with a compass for discovering and cultivating endurance, perseverance and resilience during times of personal, cultural and systemic change. Their sense of sisterhood uplifts us into recognising that Mother Nature, our interconnectedness and our creativity will provide the joys and nourishments of spirit needed to enable us to create a beautiful and collective future.

This podcast was part of a The Future Is Beautiful LIVE which took place on 3rd June 2020 called Leadership in creating the new normal.

“Understanding that the voice of women now, these are the voices that we longed to hear.”  ~Stephanie Mines



Nina Simons is the founder of Bioneers’ Everywoman’s Leadership Program and co-created the Cultivating Women’s Leadership residential trainings in collaboration with Toby Herzlich and Akaya Windwood. She is a social entrepreneur who is passionate about the power of women to transform the world, reaching racial and gender justice, indigeneity and rekindling a sacred relationship to nature, while co-creating a just transition that’s regenerative, loving and peaceful. She speaks internationally and co-facilitates transformative leadership offerings that integrate Relational Mindfulness, Restoring the Deep Feminine and The Work That Reconnect.

Nina’s work currently focuses on writing, speaking and teaching about women, leadership, diversity, nature, systems thinking, leading from the heart, and restoring the feminine in us all.

Nina co-edited Moonrise: The Power of Women Leading from the Heart’, and recently wrote the award-winning book ‘Nature, Culture & the Sacred: A Woman Listens for Leadership’. She was named a recipient of the Goi Peace Award in recognition of her pioneering work through Bioneers to promote nature-inspired innovations for restoring (reciprocal relationships among) the Earth and our human community.

Dr. Stephanie Mines is a neuropsychologist whose unique understanding comes from her academic research as well as her extensive work in the field. Dr. Mines understands shock from every conceivable perspective. She has investigated it as a survivor, a professional, a healthcare provider, and as a trainer of staffs of institutions and agencies. Her blend of Western and Eastern modalities offers the best of both paradigms. She is devoted to ending the lineage of shock and trauma for individuals and the world. She has developed the TARA Approach for the Resolution of Shock and Trauma. The TARA Approach is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing alternative health options for a broad spectrum of populations. Dr. Mines, as Director, is responsible for disseminating information to communities in need, especially people suffering from illness that results from shock and trauma, survivors of domestic violence, families and children, and people living with neurodiversity including autism and other sensory integration challenges.

Dr. Mines developed ‘CLIMATE CHANGE & CONSCIOUSNESS. Our Legacy for the Earth’, an assembly of visionary activists.. She convened a global gathering in Northern Scotland in April 2019 with keynote leaders like Bill McKibben, Charles Eisenstein, Vandana Shiva and others who inspired the intergenerational community there to take direct action that is now sustained by a movement serving throughout the world.

Dr. Mines’ books, ‘We Are All in Shock’, ‘New Frontiers in Sensory Integration’ and most recently ‘They Were Families: How War Comes Home’, represent a compilation of the diverse aspects of her mission to build grassroots empowerment based sustainable healthcare.

Zerbanoo Gifford is a human rights campaigner, author and founder of The ASHA Centre, a charity working for the empowerment of young people, sustainable development and peace & reconciliation worldwide. Zerbanoo Gifford holds the International Woman of the Year Award 2006 for her humanitarian work, which spans fifty years of grassroots and global activism.

Located in the Royal Forest of Dean in Britain, The ASHA Centre has an outstanding international track record in delivering transformative education in the fields of ethical leadership, social innovation, intercultural and interfaith understanding, sustainable development and the performing arts.

During her tenure as director of Anti-Slavery International, she helped lead on campaigns to combat modern slavery, including human trafficking and the establishment of the Rugmark, a literacy programme for children in bonded labour and the exposure of the damaging effect of fast fashion on the planet and those involved in the garment trade.

Zerbanoo has authored the following books: ‘The Golden Thread, Asian Experiences of Post-Raj Britain, ‘Dadabhai Naoroji, Britain’s First Asian M.P.’, ‘Asian Presence in Europe’, ‘Thomas Clarkson and the Campaign Against Slavery’, ‘Celebrating India’, ‘South Asian Funding in the UK’ and ‘Confessions to a Serial Womaniser, Secrets of the World’s Inspirational Women’.


To find out more about Nina’s work visit ninasimons.com

To find out more about Stephanie’s work visit taraapproach.org

To find out more about Zerbanoo’s work visit zerbanoogifford.org

To connect or work with Amisha, visit amisha.co.uk

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