“How do we make someone’s life change a bit better today? And what are we doing today that allows us to be more ourselves. This is really the gold, this is the magic, and it doesn’t have to be mystical or something to do with the stars. It’s just in you. It is what you are, and there is a potential there to just completely become the very being of change that catalysts.” Joseph Tenzin Oliver



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About this interview:

How can we learn to live from the heart and rebalance the impacts of patriarchal systems?


“How do we make someone’s life change a bit better today? And what are we doing today that allows us to be more ourselves. This is really the gold. This is the magic, and it doesn’t have to be mystical or something to do with the stars. It’s just in you. It is what you are, and there is a potential there to just completely become the very being of change that catalysts.”

In this episode Amisha talks with Joseph Tenzin Oliver, a social entrepreneur and change activist, who has dedicated his life to influence and design new business models improved by humanitarian and ecological practices. From advising on megacity development to Artificial Intelligence, he has contributed to shaping our world for over a decade consistently pushing the boundaries.

Joseph reveals his entrepreneurial paths as a changemaker with a career that covers many different industries and multi-potential themes. He describes living and testing life outside of systemic norms in arms with spiritual and life practices that transcended boundaries and conventions. Joseph shares the unfolding of his unique way of life and his ultimate calling into service of helping others to create businesses and products that catalyse change and reconfigure our systems for the greater good.

Together Amisha and Joseph explore their life changing experiences of grief and death as a constant life process that prepares us for crisis and a life lived from the heart. They describe these as a powerful initiation, where we meet vulnerability and resilience as skills that can help us build life and businesses drawing on the wisdom of compassion and love in service to humanity and ecologies.

They talk about male privileges, societal biases and generational brutalism that have constructed skewed perceptions of masculinity forming destructive norms of how we do business, design products and build society.

We learn there is a sea change occurring with men are blossoming new brotherhoods. These are spaces where men purposefully teach men how to speak emotions and vulnerabilities; how to live their dreams from the heart and how to integrate histories of destruction, extraction and toxic behaviour so the pendulum of change may swing to balance masculine and feminine for a wholehearted future.

“Men need to be purposely taught and educated about what it means to be strong. And it’s not an outward aggressive force. It’s about being in touch with your heart, and in some ways about being vulnerable and being loving.” ~Joseph Tenzin Oliver



Joseph Tenzin Oliver is a Londoner with a purpose. His career as a social entrepreneur and change activist has taken him around the world and spans subjects from mega city development to artificial intelligence. He specialises in building high performance teams and communities that create long term sustainable value that is aligned with nature and harnesses the latest technology.

Working behind the scenes to shift society Joseph is the guy that directors of the world’s largest companies, investment funds, government departments and non-profits contact when they need to navigate the future. His work has impacted millions of people and directly caused hundreds of billions of pounds to be shifted into impact investments.

The BBC called him an ‘Eco-trailblazer’, the Mayor of London assigned him as a London Leader and the British Council named him a Leading Light. He has spoken for institutions such as TED, the World Economic Forum, and at leading universities such as Stanford, Peking University and Central Saint Martins.

His contemplative experience spans three decades of meditation and practice in the energetic arts. During that time he lived and trained with monks and lineage holders of various traditions and applies these practices on a daily basis.

He is currently a mentor at Cambridge University for emerging entrepreneurs, teaches meditation online every Monday for the Hello Beautiful Foundation and studies Tai Chi each morning.


To connect or work with Joseph, visit joetoliver.com

To connect or work with Amisha, visit amisha.co.uk

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