“The climate crisis can be understood as a relationship crisis; a crisis of disconnection, where we are disconnected from each other, from other groups around the world, from nature and from the impact of our actions on the other side of the planet.” Jamie Bristow
E169 – Jamie Bristow on Climate Crisis, Mindfulness and System Change
Five Minutes After Midnight
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About this interview:
How do we grow our mindsets to meet the dissonance of our time with real action?

JAMIE BRISTOW is a leading expert on contemplative practice in public life. He is widely recognised for his pioneering work on mindfulness in politics and public policy, and for his writing on the role of inner development in addressing a range of societal issues. For eight years, Jamie was Director of the Mindfulness Initiative policy institute and clerk to the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on Mindfulness, where he led numerous initiatives to promote mindfulness in government and policy circles worldwide and authored several influential publications, most recently Reconnection: Meeting the Climate Crisis Inside Out. Having stepped back as director, he continues to run the Mindfulness Initiative’s ‘Sustainable Mind’ workstream, whilst leading on policy and advocacy for the Inner Development Goals, promoting individual and collective inner work as an enabling factor for outer sustainable transformation.
Jamie is an Honorary Associate of Bangor University, where he is currently supervising a research project on ‘awareness-based social change’. He is also policy advisor to the Global Compassion Coalition, Inner Work Advisor to the UK’s new Climate Majority Project and is on the steering group of the Conscious Food Systems Alliance convened by UNDP.
Jamie was formerly Business Development Director for Headspace and has a background in psychology, climate change campaigning and advertising. Trained to teach Insight Meditation, a Buddhist tradition that’s associated with Gaia House, IMS and Spirit Rock retreat centres, his mentors have included Rob Burbea, Stephen Batchelor and Christina Feldman.
To connect or work with Jamie, visit jamiebristow.com
To connect or work with Amisha, visit amisha.co.uk
artwork video: Eliseo H.Zubiri
Resources and links from this episode:
- The Mindfulness Initiative
- Inner Development Goals
- Global Compassion Coalition
- Conscious Food System Alliance
- Thomas Björkman
- Chris Ruane
- Professor Mark Williams
- Chris Cullen
- Apolitical Foundation
- Caroline Lucas
- Extinction Rebellion
- Climate Majority Project
- Paul Hawken
- Thich Nhat Hanh
- Jeremy Lent
- Dan Siegel
- Sir Ken Robinson
- Holding Space
Connect more with us:
- Beautiful Leadership mentoring
- Amisha’s One-to-One sessions
- Amisha’s book – INTUITION
- all that we are membership
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