“We need to cultivate within ourselves and within our communities the capacity to take time, slow down, and give our mind a break.” zoë laureen palmer
E185 – zoë laureen palmer on Beekeeping, Collective Care and Cultural Intuition
Pollinating Our Imagination
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About this interview:

zoë laureen palmer is an multidisciplinary artist, co-creator and human ecologist working at the intersection of the arts, health and ecology. her regenerative practise explores our relationship with the more than human world, centering embodied ecologies, underrepresented narratives and knowledges through a de-colonial lens.
In 2021 as part of Season For Change she co-created the dreaming field lab, a crucible, carnival, sanctuary, imaginarium and radical rest retreat celebrating women of colour in the British Landscape. Recent collaborations include work on Black Earth Resistance with Tiata Fahodzi + Wild Cards for Glimpse Collective, Seeding The Commons for the Gaia Foundation + Custom Food Lab + panel curation for the Blue Earth Summit. her award-winning work spans live performance, installation, text + participatory events and has been programmed across the UK + internationally at venues including Den Jyske Opera, The Royal Opera House, Carnegie Hall + The National Theatre of Mannheim.
zoë is currently exploring collective dreaming methodologies, radical kindship, care, un-knowing and creating ordinary rituals and portals for dangerous times asking: how can we create possibilities for intimacy without proximity to the natural world? how can we entangle ourselves in each others lives through everyday acts of collective care? how can we collectively disrupt capitalist narratives of human dominance and de-center ourselves allowing the world to breathe + dream through us?
A gentle beekeeper for 15 years and 4th year student at the plant medicine school, she’s currently cultivating an Afrofuturist apothecary, a part real part speculative British African herb garden in response to climate breakdown.
Zoe was a speaker in the Rise Up series that I hosted for Change Festival that was curated by Becky Burchell, who you can hear in episode 150 and find links to the videos of the talks.
To connect or work with zoë laureen, visit zoelaureenpalmer.com
To connect or work with Amisha, visit amisha.co.uk
artwork video: Julia Noni
Resources and links from this episode:
- E150 all that we are – Becky Burchell on The Arts, Storytelling and Climate Culture // Resilient Communities Of Hope
- Donna Haraway
- Joanna Macy
- Arts Admin
- Medicine Festival
- Advaya
- Resurgence
Connect more with us:
- Beautiful Leadership mentoring
- Amisha’s One-to-One sessions
- Amisha’s book – INTUITION
- all that we are membership
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