“Let’s discover together all that we are, all that we are becoming, and all that is possible.” Amisha Ghadiali E144 – All That We Are A Sanctuary For Emergence Listen to the conversation: If you love the show, you can subscribe through iTunes, Stitcher or...
“If we rekindle a sense of connection, if we rekindle a sense of wholeness, of being part of something bigger, then I feel that creates a sense of beauty and wonder within ourselves and a sense of being part of something greater, and then naturally, we would cultivate...
“Every time I go really deep with anyone, I discover a latent beauty, heroism, saintliness, and greatness that is wishing it could express itself.” ~ Terry Patten E75 – TERRY PATTEN ON SACRED ACTIVISM, TRANSFORMATION AND META NARRATIVES A NEW REPUBLIC OF THE...
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