We are looking for volunteers to join the ?!X team. Everything we have done so far has been powered by passionate people giving their time or support in kind. If you are inspired by what we are doing and can donate some of your time to help us grow, please contact us!
Creative Activists
Find a full job description and all the info that you need about how to apply here.
We need more amazing portrait photographers to take photos for ?!X Photobooth at events. All photography is voluntary, but you will be added to our friends list, and of course credited whenever we use your photos.
Donate Your Skills
We always need support with web stuff, public relations, event planning, funding and things we might not have even thought about. So if you are inspired and want to donate your skill for a few hours, you might be just what we need!
Central Office (London)
This will include helping in the office and being part of the events team taking our photobooth and ballot box out and about across the UK (including the summer festivals!) In addition, you will have a core role on strategy.
Writers, Bloggers and Social Media Lovers
We are looking for volunteers to help us with the online part of the campaign. This would include running our various social media tools, as well as conducting interviews and covering events for our blog.
If you would like to join our team, please email us at getinvolved@thinkactvote.org with a bit about you and why this projects excites you.
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