Arjan Hofmann – The Futures Interview

Arjan Hofmann – The Futures Interview

Real estate developers influence our daily life in a major way. Arjan Hofmann works for the Association of Dutch Real Estate Developers and is responsible for communications and the courses the association develops and offers. From that position he offers the sector...
The Think Act Vote Manifesto

The Think Act Vote Manifesto

We were asked to create a manifesto for the Hub Westminster Changemaker’s Fayre. The manifestos were curated by Kyra Choucroun, and she asked seven of us to take part including Umair Haque, Simon & Jane Berry , Robyn Scott, and Future Interviewee Philip...
Philip L. McKenzie – The Futures Interview

Philip L. McKenzie – The Futures Interview

Philip L. McKenzie is Managing Partner of FREE DMC, an influencer marketing agency that specializes in integrated marketing strategy, digital content creation, and experiential events. He is also the Founder of Influencer Conference, a global conference bringing...
Lulu Kitololo – The Futures Interview

Lulu Kitololo – The Futures Interview

  Storyteller and ideamonger, designer and artist, Lulu Kitololo has two great passions: Africa and the arts. She endeavours to live what she loves through her blog, Afri-love, and through creative agency, Asilia, of which she is Partner and Creative Director....