Last month, we hosted a Futures Creative Jam at the Royal Festival Hall, bringing together creative activists across the sustainability, social entrepreneurship and creative sectors. Fuelled with excitement, the event promoted collaboration and idea-generation for a future we choose.

Organised using a combination of styles between an unconference and a hackathon, participants were invited to explore the futures they choose by sharing their ‘thinks’, ‘acts’ and ‘votes’ to create this future. The brief for the afternoon was intentionally broad to allow for the creative activists to take ownership and direction of the day’s activities.

Quickly recognising the resources we had built that afternoon, I have developed a Prezi out of this proactive brainstorm session to relay the very inspiring visions of the attendees. Make sure to review the zoomable presentation for an interactive and useful resource which signals the fascinating books to read, new campaigns to support and lifestyle choices you can adopt in this neat format.

Ashraf Saifullah and Ash Davis supported us that afternoon by visually documenting our Futures Creative Jam and beautifully captured the energy, meaning and entrepreneurial attitude of the event. Watch the video to truly sense how Think Act Vote (?!X) is about bringing people together in celebration of every individual’s vision of an alternative future that in concert translates to a proactive call to action for everyone.

Thank you to all of you that came and took part on the day. And for those of you that couldn’t, we look forward to seeing you next time.
You can support us by contributing to our crowdfund for the book that we are making on IndieGoGo, here.
And we want to hear the Future that you choose and how we can create it, so take part in our Futures Interviews.