“The ​earth ​is ​listening ​to ​us ​first and ​if ​we ​do ​not ​​understand ​how ​the ​earth ​listens ​to ​us, ​then ​we ​will ​have ​a difficulty ​listening ​to ​the ​earth.” Tiokasin Ghosthorse

E221 – TIMELESS //‘How Listening to the Earth Leads to Inner and Outer Peace’ with Tiokasin Ghosthorse 

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About this interview:

 “The ​earth ​is ​listening ​to ​us ​first and ​if ​we ​do ​not ​​understand ​how ​the ​earth ​listens ​to ​us, ​then ​we ​will ​have ​a difficulty ​listening ​to ​the ​earth.” Tiokasin Ghosthorse

In this TIMELESS episode, we hear from Tiokasin Ghosthorse, nobel prize nominated international speaker on Peace, Indigenous and Mother Earth perspective. He is member of the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation of South Dakota, with a long history in Indigenous activism as well as a master musician. He shares a lifechanging perspective on how we can understand the language of the earth and how she speaks and listens to us. We discover how learning to listen to earth leads us to true inner and outer peace.

This episode is from our archives, part of a beautiful and powerful conversation we had in E107 with Tiokasin Ghosthorse on Earth Languages, Consciousness and Indigenous Intelligence entitled Walking Earth With The Gifts Of The Stars.

We hope that hearing just this small part will give you space to contemplate, integrate and embody what you hear.

“We ​are ​the ​earth. ​We ​become ​the ​earth. ​We ​were ​the ​earth. ​We are the earth. We ​will ​be ​the ​earth.“ Tiokasin Ghosthorse

Tiokasin Ghosthorse, from the Cheyenne River Lakota Nation in South Dakota, is an international speaker on peace, Indigenous perspectives, and environmental issues. A survivor of the “Reign of Terror” (1972–76) on the Pine Ridge, Cheyenne River, and Rosebud Lakota Reservations and the US Bureau of Indian Affairs Boarding and Church Missionary School systems designed to “kill the Indian and save the man”, he has a long history of Indigenous activism and advocacy.

He is a board member of Simply Smiles and The Center for Earth Ethics and regularly speaks at Yale University on Indigenous cosmology and the differences between relational/egalitarian vs. rational/hierarchical thinking.

Tiokasin was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize in 2016 and has received numerous honors, including a Native Arts and Cultures Foundation Fellowship in Music, and several other nominations for his contributions to Native American arts and culture. He is also the Founder, Host, and Executive Producer of the award-winning “First Voices Radio,” a weekly program syndicated to over 100 radio stations in the US and Canada.

A master musician, Tiokasin performs worldwide and has been featured at venues like Lincoln Center, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the United Nations. He also serves on boards focused on providing non-western education to Native and non-Native children. Tiokasin describes himself as “a perfectly flawed human being” and a Sundancer in the Lakota cosmology.

To connect or work with Tiokasin Ghosthorse, visit firstvoicesindigenousradio.org

To connect or work with Amisha, visit amisha.co.uk

artwork video: picture by Jade Madoe Resources and links from this episode:

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