Alicia Bastos – The Futures Interview

Alicia Bastos – The Futures Interview

Alicia Bastos is a born and breed Brazilian, who has been working for the last 13 years in the Creative Industries in Brazil, France, U.S. and London. She has worked as a marketing consultant for fashion brands in Brazil, organized  Breast Cancer Campaign events in...
Wayne Hemingway – The Futures Interview

Wayne Hemingway – The Futures Interview

Wayne Hemingway is a British fashion designer with a degree in Geography and Town Planning from UCL. After selling his and his (now) wife, Geraldine’s clothes to fund a band; Wayne and Geraldine built the Red or Dead fashion label selling Geraldines hand-made clothes...
Kestrel Jenkins – The Futures Interview

Kestrel Jenkins – The Futures Interview

    Kestrel Lee Jenkins is a globetrotter with a small-town Wisconsin spirit. She loves words and garments, and shifting both of their juxtapositions. She has worked with People Tree, Global Action Through Fashion, FashionMeGreen, Fashioning Change, The...
Ceri Heathcote – The Futures Interview

Ceri Heathcote – The Futures Interview

Ceri Heathcote has a degree in Environmental Science from the University of Nottingham. In the 14 years since she graduated she has lived near Bath, had 2 children and worked in a variety of sales, marketing and management roles before setting up her own business as...